LED light projection for Green Tire transport systems

Reduction of operational blindness

Intelligently controlled transport of handling technology

For our customer Continental Barum (Otrokovice, CZ), we have been gradually introducing innovative work safety systems for many years in order to reduce the risk of operational blindness. Our main projects include an intelligently controlled intersection based on LED projection of safety symbols. The STOP symbols are switched based on the movement of material handling equipment coming from the main direction of the intersection, and stop forklifts and pedestrians moving on the secondary road.

Another major project is the under-burden danger zone projection transmitted by the Green Tire Transport System (GTTS), which reduces the occurrence of traffic blindness at as many as 25 locations in the operation. An LED projector is placed directly on the moving part of the GTTS and a warning symbol on the floor illuminates when the system is activated and loaded.

Group 12098
Elimination of near-accidents caused by movement of handling equipment.
Dynamic projection of the moving load of the Green Tire Transport System.

LED projection on transport systems (Green Tire transport System)


Longstanding cooperation

“We have been cooperating with Aledo s.r.o. for many years on projects for the implementation of innovative work safety. Our company, Continental Barum Otrokovice, is characterized by a large number of handling equipment and therefore a potentially high risk of accidents caused by the movement of this equipment. Our goal is to increase safety in the workplace in the long-term and, above all, to reduce the risk of accidents and workplace injuries. That is why Aledo has designed and implemented several innovative solutions for our needs. One of them is the intelligently controlled LED projection of safety symbols, which is used to control traffic at busy and cluttered intersections.

Another important project that has contributed to the overall reduction of traffic blindness is the dynamic projection of the danger zone under the suspended load of the Green Tire Transport System. With this solution, we won an award in a corporate competition focused on occupational safety. We have already fitted more than 25 transport systems with the innovative LED technology, and because the solution has proven its worth, it is being implemented in Continental companies around the world.

I very much appreciate the long-term cooperation with Aledo s.r.o. and I evaluate their services very positively.”


Karel Hanousek, BHP technician

Continental Barum s.r.o., Czech Republic

Intrigued by a project for Continental Barum?

Contact me and I will be happy to help you with the implementation into your operation.

+421 902 189 277

Michal Molovčák

International Sales Manager